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Monday, January 27, 2014

Political prisoners at Z30A in new hunger strike

Trương Minh Đức (Danlambao) - On Jan. 26, 2014, Mrs. Chiem Thi Tuong Manh visited her husband Doan Huy Chuong and learned that many political prisoners in solitary confinement at Camp No. 2 of the Z30A prison in Xuan Loc have gone on a hunger strike for about a week to protest the harsh prison treatments.

Currently, Camp No. 2 added an isolated detention building to detain political prisoners in order to isolate them from the outside world. This is a tactic of monitoring political prisoners more closely after the prisoner revolt at Camp No. 1 happened last year.

The new detention building is a harsher prison. Each prison cell detains only 3 inmates or less. The high concrete walls insulate the sound between the cells, making it difficult for prisoners to communicate with one another in different cells. Harsh prison treatment, very high room temperature, lack of air and water shortages are the problems prisoners must face with on a daily basis.

Recently, Viet Khang’s mother said she could not recognize her son at the last visit although she has seen him monthly. He looks too old and tired and his skin is so dark.

Another mother of a political prison also said her son, on behalf of other political prisoners, desperately pleaded for help for a donation of 7 water filters to reduce the alum in their drinking water. Such water filter costs around $25 each. However, it is unknown if the prison police would allow the political prisoners to receive the donation. "I ask the media to help and voice support for political prisoners, " said a mother of a political prisoner detained here.

Mrs. Tuong Manh said on the evening of Jan. 25, 2014, the prison transferred two prisoners of conscience Son Nguyen Thanh Dien and Nguyen Van Phuong to an unknown location.

Doan Huy Chuong told his wife that he will be transferred soon because they take revenge after the hunger strikes.

Mrs. Tuong Manh said that her husband looks skinny and is too weak to walk. However, his mind is strong and he determines to go on his hunger strike until the prison complies with the rights of prisoners, improves the prison conditions, and follow the regulations that they had set out.

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